Empowering Lives Guardianship Services LLC
Our clients vary from private pay individuals with a contract for 1 to a State contract for over 100. While at its inception, ELGS specialized in providing guardianship services for those who have MH/IDD/SA services, our clientele has grown to include individuals with a dementia diagnoses and other cognitive impairments.

State Contract

County DSS Contracts

Private Pay Contracts
Empowering Lives,
Just a short note to let you know how much we appreciate the service you provide to the people you serve. WesCare has provided therapeutic and residential services for several people in your care, and we are more than pleased to be partnering with Empowering Lives. All your staff seem to be very knowledgeable of the people they serve, they are always available to assist our staff in various ways. However, the thing we find most impressive is your staff’s ability to hone-in on and share pertinent information so the provider can make sound decisions in a timely fashion. Through the years, we have used Empowering Lives as our measuring stick by which to judge all others. I’m sure you will be pleased to hear, few, if any come close at all. There are very few guardianship providers who can do what you do as well as you do it for as long as you’ve done it. Please continue your inspiring service to our mutual clients.
Thank you,
Akinyele Igunmuyiwa
WesCare Professional Services LLC
printed from email received 3/15/2016, with permission
Would you like to share a testimonial or how ELGS has helped you or a family member, please submit here.